Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Questionnaire of Music Promotion in Spain

This is a short questionnaire about how the bands and the levels use the social media to promote themselves or their music.

It has 10 little questions easy to understand to make easier the comprehension of the way that the promotion use into the social media.
We have to be greatfull to  "Maik Maier" because of their unselfish help. This answers are really important to may this subject clearly. They have a lot of experience into the music world. They have worked in the Woody Allen's film, "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona". But this is not a casual success, because they are a company who has a recording studio and they are completly dedicated to the music. So we thought that they were a good step to know how the promotion works into this world of the music and paying more attention on the social media environment.
You could visit their webpage if you want to know more about them:

1.    As far as you remember, which has been the most successful example of a marketing campaign through social networks? In your opinion, what turned to be the key of that success?

In 2007 the British group Radiohead released In Rainbows. This release had a major impact on the Internet because of the system chosen for distribution and collection: direct discharge to the price that you deem appropriate (which may be completely free)

2.    Do you think there are some special hints to music promotion in Spain? If so, which kind of them?

Spanish music includes a long history of innovation in Andalusian classical music and Western classical music, as in the popular music industry, and various styles of folk music. In addition, the fields of Rock and Roll, Heavy Metal, Punk Rock and Hip Hop also enjoy a number of important artists. Each style boasts it’s strengths and difficulties, and do not think the difficulties are very different from what you have in other countries. Today I believe that Spanish music has a strong international presence. The only thing I would say is that in Spain the music lacks the professionalism required, or better said it would be a legislative regulation that allows industry professionals to develop their work with the guarantees that may have in any other profession.

3.    In your opinion, which do you think is the best technique to promote an artist through social networks?

To promote you must make clear to people what kind of musician / group are. Focus on reaching an audience, and for this we must create an Internet site where fans can meet and know each other. People in social networks want to see who you are and listen to your music, and this has to be simple and try to get original. You have to show interest in the network, showing you're not one more. Definitely mobilizing things the best way possible without sitting waiting to get success.

4.    Do you think it’s important for artists to be on as many sites as possible all over the Internet? Or do you select specific sites instead?

It is advisable, since in each platform there are music forums with potential fans.

5.    Could you please share some tips and tricks you use to promote your music? Can you explain a real case of them?

The main thing is to have a "good" production and a "good" recording. I am in favor of the prestige opposite to the success. I prefer a long term career that hit. Ultimately what will allow this to happen is the public. A real example would be the band “Giulia y los Tellarini” who unwittingly free promotion was achieved through the network and various ways through the use of one of their songs in the Woody Allen film "Vicky Cristina Barcelona." . With a high power requirement making it more credible to the group as a group revelation. It is not the same as an internationally renowned director discovers a new group to do another kind of character or entity. In this case is much more believable.

6.    What is, in your opinion, the most important thing to take in account when setting up a community around an artist? What should be done to create an effective community?

Perhaps it was simply to make the fans involved in the project in an active way and give them the opportunity to be the first to hear / purchase music from their artist. Add value to the fans for being a fan on the net.

7.    How can users be attracted to join an artist’s social network profile?

Entering music forums where there are potential fans, and pages of artists / groups with who could be shared and take part actively in order that they know you. Through specialized bloggers that give more crossed to the projection of the group in the network and work as advocates. It is more credible when they speak about you, that when one speaks of himself.

8.    Besides of his/her music, what other items do you think are important to attract people to an artist’ profile?

Unable to reach all audiences, so we must focus on what can be your potential fan. Also the group's philosophy, it is understood and shared by the fan.

9.    Which are the most significant changes over the last years, offered by the social networks, due to customer’s demands?

That fans can know each other, talk and discuss things. This will get: they often come on your site (to find each other and talk), which become infected each other and to create platforms to introduce you, more progress in less time.

10.  How do you think social networking will evolve in the coming years, specially regarding to the fast evolution of those networks, and, in fact, the global networking?

Internet is the most profitable and effective way to promote music products today. Up to us to decide if we exclude one formula or another according to our tastes, our ideas and our needs.

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