Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Questionnaire of Music Promotion in Finland

Besides getting an insight in the common practices of music and media related companies, we found it also useful to gather information and opinions by an artist that has been involved in promotion and distribution processes online. By asking these questions we were seeking to get an insight in how artists are using social platforms and how they expect it to develop in the coming years, along with the growth of web 2.0 and web 3.0.
Tina is a student at Jamk, and was active in the rock group "Crimson Sun". The band had several gigs in and around Finland over the years, recording songs and releasing an EP in not too far back.

1. What is the most successful example of social media marketing company you can remember? Why do you think it was successful?

I don’t know about a company but the Finnish girl band Indica has done an awesome job in promoting themselves on Facebook. They started pretty much from the scratch and have now gathered lots of followers simply because they are so interactive! They update their status often and also upload lots of videos and pictures from where ever they are with the band.

2. Do you think there is some special challenges in music promotion in Finland? If yes what are they are?

It’s really difficult to stand out from the endless mass of bands especially now that social media has made promoting the bands so easy. On the other hand it gives smaller bands a chance to really accomplish something by putting effort on interacting on social media. Also I think that as a smaller artist especially on a major label it’s really difficult to get proper promotion in traditional media.

3. What on your taste is the best technique in the artist promotion through the social media?

Definitely interactivity. The more the artists do themselves the better. Especially if an artist is on a tour or recording a new album it gives the fans a really nice experience if they get to read blog entries and see pictures and videos.


4. Do you think it’s important for artists to be on as many sites as possible all over the Internet?

Not as important as choosing the most suitable channels and taking properly care of them.

5. Could you please share some tips and tricks which you used in your promotional practice? Could you please describe some case from your real practice?

I asked the guys of the band I was promoting to write status updates as often as they could about what they were doing for example on tour and update lots of videos and pictures. It seems that the more personal (by this I mean not just news updates) the updates are, the more people seem to be interested.

6. What is in your opinion the most important thing in building a community around the artist? What have to be done to build this community?

Hard work and, once again, interactivity. People like to get easily the latest news about their favorite artists and social media is an easy and very user-friendly channel.

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